Showing posts with label speeches. Show all posts
Showing posts with label speeches. Show all posts

Friday, August 28, 2009

Student council election speeches

A student council election speech is a crucial determinant of the success of your election campaign. It is often the case that an effective speech drives the candidate towards the winning spot. While you may have ambitious plans and you know you will make a good student council president, you may have difficulty in preparing that winning school council speech. Here are some tips that will make the speech effective enough to get you winning the election.

Running-of-the-mill and boring speeches are a big no no. To make a speech appealing to your fellow schoolmates, put yourself in their place and retrospect as to what kind of kind of speech would appeal to you.

Start it with an introduction of yourself. Keep it simple. It is a good idea to start with an inspiring or interesting quote. Don't forget to mention the position you are contesting for. These should be a must in your speech. Moving further, you can make it interesting and different. Here's how:

  • It is common for the candidates to ask other students about what changes they would like to see in the school. You should do it too. But don't turn all the suggestions into promises. Be authentic. Promise only things that can be accomplished.
  • Humor is a good tactic. It will increase audience's attention and help you make the audience comfortable with your speech. This may even build trust among the audience. But watchful and don't let humor overpower the tone of your speech. You enter the danger zone and you may just end up sounding ridiculous. While humor is good, include aspects of substance. It matters.
  • Be persuasive. Don't brag about yourself. Instead of "I am creative", you can use something like "I encourage creativity". Pay close attention to how you phrase your ideas.
  • The closing should be powerful. Close the speech with a promise, something that the audience will remember and vouch for. This could be very crucial in getting more people to vote for you.

Prepare your speech by using the suggestions made above. Your speech is sure to become a hit.


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